Dental Fillings & Cavity Treatment in Tulsa, OK

Dental fillings and cavity treatment are two essential aspects of oral health that everyone should be aware of. Dental fillings are used to repair damage to teeth caused by decay or injury. Cavity treatment helps to prevent future decay and tooth loss by filling in any small holes or gaps in teeth.


To avoid cavities, keeping your teeth clean and healthy is essential. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time with fluoride toothpaste and floss once a day before bedtime. Regular dental check-ups are also crucial in ensuring proper oral health because we can detect early signs of decay or other tooth problems before they become more severe and require more extensive treatment. Having your teeth professionally cleaned by our dental hygienist twice a year can also remove plaque buildup that causes cavities and gum disease.


If you do develop a cavity, it is essential to seek professional help. Untreated cavities may worsen over time, leading to pain and tooth loss or dental implants. Our team of dentists will most likely recommend a dental filling to treat the cavity. There are two types of dental fillings today: amalgam (silver) fillings and composite (tooth-colored) fillings. Amalgam fillings are incredibly durable and usually last for many years. Composite fillings are made of a mixture of plastic and glass and are therefore more flexible than amalgam fillings. They may last for up to 10 years. There are advantages to both kinds of fillings. Some patients prefer the look of white fillings over silver fillings. Other patients may find that composite fillings are more comfortable because they do not require a toothache tablet to be taken before the dental appointment. However, the most significant advantage of both fillings is that they restore the function of your tooth and protect it from further damage.

Cavities form when bacteria in the mouth produce acids that cause tooth decay. Cavities can develop in any tooth but are most common in the front teeth (posterior teeth are less likely to decay). The bacteria that cause cavities thrive in moist environments, so tooth decay is most common in areas of the mouth where it is difficult to clean, such as the deep grooves of the back teeth and between the teeth.

To treat a cavity, we will fill the hole in your tooth with either an amalgam or composite filling. This seals off the decayed area and restores the strength and stability of your natural tooth structure. If the cavity is small, we may choose to just fill the hole with a dental sealant. If the cavity is large or if it has been challenging to fill with a dental sealant, your dentist may choose a larger filling material to repair the damage and seal out any remaining bacteria.

  1. Avoid developing cavities by brushing and flossing regularly and visiting your dentist twice a year for dental check-ups and professional cleanings.
  2. If you do develop a cavity, seek professional help right away. A large cavity can require multiple dental fillings and may even require a root canal.
  3. Always talk with us before undergoing any dental treatments. We will be able to recommend the best option for you and explain all of the risks and benefits involved.

For more information on dental fillings and cavity treatment in Tulsa, OK, please visit contact us today by phone or email. We would be happy to discuss your individual needs and recommend the best possible option for you.